about US
YouthQuake LIve

In 1994, a group of students from Christ the Redeemer Church went on mission trips to Ecuador & El Salvador with the missions organization Global Expeditions. That summer, they saw the power of God unfold through their lives as they saw first hand that God desired to use young people to impact the world.
When they returned to Jacksonville, they realized that God could use them in their own city. They were equipped with vision; however, they understood that passion has to come
Twenty teens with a passion & hope for their generation created the first YQL event, which took place

25 Years of Reaching Teens
95-96 1st Season
96-97 YQL Tour
97-98 Revolution Tour
98-99 Unashamed Tour
99-00 Ignition Tour
00-01 Invasion Tour
01-02 Domination Tour
02-03 Momentum Tour
03-04 Invincible Tour
04-05 Defiance Tour
05-06 Savage Tour
06-07 Project 4:31 Tour
07-08 ReAction Tour
08-09 Rooftop Tour
09-10 Demolition
10-11 Resistance Tour
11-12 Unstoppable Tour
12-13 Restoration Tour
13-14 Declaration Tour
14-15 Legacy Tour
15-16 Generation Tour
16-17 Encounter Tour
17-18 Accelerate Tour
18-19 Breakthrough Tour
19-20 United Tour
20-21 Uncommon Tour
21-22 Commander Sozo & The Youth Brigade Tour
22-23 Primitive Tour
23-24 Manifesto Tour
YouthQuake Live Testimonies
God has done so much over the years. What started as an idea has impacted tens of thousands of people. Here’s a handful of testimonies we hope will inspire you.
Cast Testimonies
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audience testimonies
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local pastor testimonies
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parent testimonies
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A battle for a generation
A Generation in Crisis
There are an estimated 33 million teenagers in the US.
1 in 3 have been drunk in the past month
1 in 4 will use illegal drugs
8000 contract an STD every day
1 million are pregnant
750,000 get abortions each year
1 in 10 have been raped
9 out of 10 have seen porn online
1 of 2 are no longer virgins
40% have inflicted self-injury
1 in 5 have contemplated suicide
Over 1,500 kill themselves each year
53% believe Jesus sinned
83% believe truth is relative
65% say there is no way to tell which religion is true
our Values
YQL Mission
YQL Code: We Act in Audacious Faith
YQL Code: We Believe Youth Set the Example
YQL Code: We Focus on What Unites Us
YQL Code: You Can't Do Life Alone
YQL Code: We Will Reach a Generation:
As a parachurch youth ministry, our heart is to come alongside Christian churches to provide support in ministering to teenagers and engaging with missions around the world. For this reason our ministry has partnered with over 50 different denominations and has chosen to remain officially unaffiliated with any one specifically. Instead, we remain committed to coming alongside local churches when providing events and opportunities that ultimately facilitate life-changing encounters, leadership training for teens & young adults, and resources for parents and church leaders. We believe strongly in creating and focusing on unity within the Body of Christ and that to truly make a difference in the lives of the largest teenage generation in history, we must work together.
What Age?
Our target age is middle and high school students but we do allow those who are older or younger to attend of course.
How much does YQL cost?
YouthQuake Live is a FREE event. We do take up an offering during the show to help cover production fees. You may reserve seats here for a $3 fee if you would like to guarantee that your group sit together.
How do I explain YQL to parents?
The best way is to direct them to the website and have them watch a show so that they can get a preview of the vision and content of YouthQuake Live. You can also explain that it is similar to a Christian version of Saturday Night Live created by teens to reach teens.
How is YQL funded?
YouthQuake Live is funded by individual donors, show offerings and local businesses that partner with us to reach this generation. To find out more visit the “Ways to Give” tab at the top of the page.
can my church host a show?
To host one of our events, your church needs to seat a minimum of 1,300 people and be available on Thursday from
do you tour in other cities?
At this time YouthQuake Live is focused on reaching the city of Jacksonville. There are tens of thousands of students who have not heard the gospel and we want to reach all of them. We do, however, encourage local communities to start their own version of YouthQuake Live in their own cities. We have put together a manual to help you accomplish this task, which can be found below.
other questions?
Email us anytime and we will be happy to provide you an answer: [email protected]
What is the age for the True love waits show?
It is our belief that middle school and high school students are already being exposed to issues regarding sex, dating, and relationships. However, these topics are being thrust upon a generation with one view: secularism. It is imperative that young people are given the full truth regarding these issues. We believe that hearing the truth of God’s Word concerning these topics is essential to teen’s convictions, identity, and purpose. Parents are welcome to ask questions and accompany their children to these events. It is our sincerest hope that these shows will spark questions, conversations and equip youth to stand confidently in purity. Click Here to view a past True Love Waits show
Where do you sell your merch?
Our merchandise is sold exclusively at our live events. Merchandise varies each season.
how can I pray for yql?
We would love to have your prayers for YQL as we work to reach this generation. Here are some specific things you can be praying for:
Cast Members – Creative ideas and boldness as they invite friends to come to the event
Interns & Adult Leaders – love & patience for the students they lead and that God would stretch them as they grow in their leadership
Staff – Wisdom as they make decisions, oversee the interns and work to make YQL more effective
Audience – That their hearts would be open to the message and they would have the courage to respond
Youth Pastors – That they would be encouraged as they give there lives to reaching teens
Finances – Pray YQL would be connected with generous people who have a vision to see more teens reach
how do I start Yql in my city?
YouthQuake Live is structured in a way to be an outreach within a community that is created by local teens who want to reach their peers. It is our hope that other communities can take the vision and structure of YQL into their own cities with a group of teens who have a desire to reach out to their own peers. Each city has its own unique set of challenges and no one knows that better than those who live there. If you are interested in starting your own YouthQuake Live, email us at [email protected] for a how to guide. We know God is going to use you and the teens in your community to make a huge difference in the lives of young people.
Meet Our Team

Sean Yost
Founder & President
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Sean has been working with youth as the director of YouthQuake Live since its beginning in 1995. Sean’s passion is to see young people established in the purpose and destiny that God has for their individual lives and for their generation. He believes that a new breed of teenagers are emerging. They are a generation looking for a cause worth giving their lives for; a generation poised to change the world. His conviction to see young people mobilized into ministry is being fulfilled through YouthQuake Live and short term mission projects. Sean has been active in missions since 1990, when he traveled to Africa for six months. Since then, he has been to over twelve countries. He has also led numerous groups of young people on overseas mission trips, where they were able to experience personally the transforming power of Christ in salvation, miracles and personal renewal. He is currently the Lead Pastor of Redeemer Church in Ponte Vedra, FL. Sean and his wife, Barbara, reside in Ponte Vedra Beach, Florida, with their three children, Gabriel, Lydia and Josiah.

Ben Wendzel
Ministry Director
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Ben joined Youth Quake Live when he was in 8th grade. He spent 4 years in the cast and 1 as an intern. After he graduated from High school, Ben traveled out to Texas to join Teen Mania Ministries. At Teen Mania he toured around the United States putting on 2-day youth events called “Acquire the Fire”. After 2 and a half years he left to come back home. Since 2014 Ben has worked with his youth group and Youth Quake Live to help reach teenagers all over the city. In the Summer of 2017, Ben was called to vocational ministry. He is excited to be devoting his life to reaching the next generation. With his spare time, he trains for Spartan Races.

Dawn Hendryx
Development Director
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With a background in sales Dawn has brought her skills & knowledge of working w/ people to YQL. In the past she has served as Project Manager for KidQuake at Redeemer Church, been a VBS teacher, led small group bible studies, and volunteered for SWAT (Spiritual Wellness and Testimonies) at St. Johns County Juvenile Detention Center. She also volunteers monthly at a food bank in the city. Dawn and her husband, Michael, have lived in Jacksonville for over 18 years and have one beautiful daughter, Katie. In addition to homeschooling her daughter, she loves teaching at their co-op. When not working or teaching, she enjoys spending time with her family and friends, traveling, cooking, and relaxing at the beach!