Youth Leader Connect

First of all, if you are a Youth Leader in our city: THANK YOU! Please know we are praying for you as you are on the front lines of serving this generation. We hope that YQL would be a blessing to you and your ministry to young people.
YouthQuake Live is designed to challenge young people to live their lives in a bold, Christ-honoring way and inspire them to reach their friends, families, schools, and world for Christ. We only see the students once a month; however, you’re in the trenches with them week after week. It’s our desire to partner with you to see them fulfill their God-given destinies. This site contains tools to help in that mission.
YouthQuake allows you to bring your teens and their friends to a free event where you don’t have to do much planning. We encourage you to use it as an outreach, where your group can invite their friends to something relevant, fun, and life-changing. Many youth leaders will then create some discussion questions to spark conversation about the topic for the following week at
For more information or to get connected, email our Ministry Director Ben Wendzel at [email protected]. Ben would love to meet you at any of our live events. Join us in our break out room (look for signs in the lobby) any time from
Click below for details about our upcoming show schedule.
Youth Leader Connect

First of all, if you are a Youth Leader in our city: THANK YOU! Please know we are praying for you as you are on the front lines of serving this generation. We hope that YQL would be a blessing to you and your ministry to young people.
YouthQuake Live is designed to challenge young people to live their lives in a bold, Christ-honoring way and inspire them to reach their friends, families, schools, and world for Christ. We only see the students once a month; however, you’re in the trenches with them week after week. It’s our desire to partner with you to see them fulfill their God-given destinies. This site contains tools to help in that mission.
YouthQuake allows you to bring your teens and their friends to a free event where you don’t have to do much planning. We encourage you to use it as an outreach, where your group can invite their friends to something relevant, fun, and life-changing. Many youth leaders will then create discussion questions to spark conversation about the topic for the following week at
For more information or to get connected, email our Ministry Director Ben Wendzel at [email protected]. Ben would love to meet you at any of our live events. Join us in our break out room (look for signs in the lobby) any time from
Click below for details about our upcoming show schedule.
Youth Leaders
What to Expect
Before the Show
• Make sure your church is signed up for our monthly newsletter, so you will get updates on venues and dates.
• Put our show dates and times on your calendar to update your students and their parents.
• Use our FB event page to invite students.
• Encourage students to invite their friends.
• Decide what time your students will need to be dropped off at your church and if they need to bring any money. (if you are stopping before or after for snacks)
• Secure drivers and adult leaders depending on your group size.
• If you want to ensure seats together towards the front, reserved seats are $3 per person at our website (deadline is the Tuesday before the show).
During the Show
•7 pm: Lobby doors open – visit our vendors & buy some YQL merch
•7:30 pm: Sanctuary Doors Open
•8 pm: Main event begins
•Your Students, You and approximately 1,000 others enjoy the night and marvel at what God can do through teenagers
•Offering – YQL is free of charge, but we encourage you to remind your students to bring an offering – even $1 makes a big difference when everyone gives. YQL is funded through these offerings and churches who believe in our vision.
•Message – at most events either Sean Yost, our Founder, Blake Bennett or Gabe Yost will give the message that ties together the skits from the night.
•Altar call – After each show’s message, the speaker gives an altar call to everyone in the audience. During this time, students can respond and/or commit their lives to Jesus. They then come back-stage where our students can pray for them individually and fill out a commitment card. This allows us to update you on the decision the student made so you can begin the discipleship process with them. Because the show usually ends by 10 pm, students who participated in the altar call may be a couple of minutes later than when the show ends. When they are done, the students will return to the main auditorium, so you can wait for them there. Please note Youth Leaders are always welcome to come to the altar call room with students, just let one of our leaders know you are there to pray with your kids.
•10 pm: Show ends – we always encourage you to plan on leaving closer to 10:15pm incase one of your students is in altar room or your students want to visit any of the vendors in the lobby.
After the Show
It helps to get them talking by first asking what was your favorite funny moment of the night and having everyone answer then asking what was their favorite God moment (or “deep” moment if you have a lot of unsaved kids) of the night. Don’t let them give short answers, ask them why that was their favorite part. In addition, you can ask:
• “How can we make this practical in our lives and youth group?”
A message from Our Founder & Other Youth Leaders
We recommend that every Youth Leader read Ron Luce’s Battle Cry for a Generation and follow it up with Revolution YM. These two resources will help you develop a plan to reach teens in your community and receive the support and assistance of parents, adults, and your lead pastor.
Murray Hill Theatre – Local Venue for Christian
Okoa Refuge – An organization in Uganda started by a former YQL cast member. Youth groups go on mission trips to Okoa to work w/ orphans, do personal evangelism & help w/ health clinics & more.
Kim’s Open Door – local organization where youth groups and families can be a part of outreaches to refugee and at-
Youth with a Mission Jacksonville (YWAM Jax) – local organization with a discipleship training school for high school graduates and overseas mission opportunities.
Ascension Worship – local organization that helps to resource the local church through connecting musicians to churches.
The Source for Youth Ministry– Various Resources
Youth Specialties– Various Resources
Dare 2 Share– Evangelism Resources
Set Apart Girl – (for working with young women)
Youth Statistics – Florida specific stats on risk behaviors of youth – this is a great resource for helping other see the need to invest into youth ministry.